Print Management Software

Take control and safeguard your documents

Tackle print wastage and manage expenses while maintaining environmentally-friendly printing practices, learn how to effectively decrease costs with the use of sustainable print management software.

To begin the process of cost reduction, the initial action is to undergo a print audit.

  • Print Audit
  • PrintFleet

Print Audit

This audit collects data on the performance, current expenses, and utilisation of existing print devices. Based on these findings, a print strategy will be developed to highlight areas for improvement, such as upgrading the current printer fleet or considering a managed print service.

The nature of a Print Audit service may differ based on the size of your organisation and the intricacy of your setup, but the fundamental principles remain consistent. This service entails conducting a thorough examination both on-site and remotely to gather information and generate a comprehensive report containing findings and suggestions.

What is the purpose of a print audit service?

A print audit service aims to assist organisations in obtaining an accurate understanding of their current print fleet and environment, encompassing devices, volumes, and actual expenses. Conducting a print audit is typically the initial step before implementing an effective managed print service. The data obtained from the audit can be utilised to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the existing or future print fleet.

Sharp's print audit service surpasses mere cost savings. It also evaluates print behaviour and existing print policies, often uncovering additional opportunities for enhanced productivity, efficiency, and device and document security.

What are the advantages?

Enhanced visibility and understanding: By conducting a thorough review of your printing operations, you will achieve complete transparency regarding your equipment and obtain valuable data that will support the development of an efficient printing strategy.

Security: Conducting an audit can reveal the areas in which print management controls can be implemented to safeguard your sensitive documents. It also helps determine if your documents are being printed on insecure devices or networks. The information provided by the audit enables you to mitigate the risks to your organisation. By analysing the data, you can take necessary measures to ensure the security of your confidential information.

Improved efficiency and productivity: Organisations with a lengthy and complicated printing history may rely on multiple suppliers to support their printing fleet, which can compromise efficiency and management.

A print audit will present this information in a clear and organised manner, illustrating the layout of devices throughout your office space. This will enable you to make positive changes and enhance efficiency. The audit will analyses your infrastructure, how devices are utilised, where print management controls can be implemented, and how digital processes can be utilised to streamline productivity and workflow.

Reduced environmental impact: Printing has traditionally been associated with significant paper usage, and in today's world, organisations are increasingly mindful of their environmental footprint. A print audit can help identify areas where paper consumption can be reduced and more sustainable practices can be implemented, contributing to a greener and more eco-friendly operation.

Cost savings: The report from the print audit will often bring to light any hidden expenses or unnecessary spending by providing real-time statistics on printing volume and types, such as black and white or full colour. This will provide you with an accurate overview of your printing expenses, enabling you to identify areas where adjustments can be made to achieve cost savings.


PrintFleet, a monitoring service, to gain access to a wealth of information about your devices. This includes service alerts, meter readings, and consumables levels.

PrintFleet is a print management solution that enables CMYK to monitor and manage various aspects of your printing infrastructure.  Our PrintFleet software agent securely collects data from your network connected printers and multifunction devices including information about print volumes, device statuses and consumable levels. This data allows CMYK to proactively monitor your devices, to automate the collection of meter reads and to replenish consumables that are running low without the need for any manual intervention.

Discover how our comprehensive solutions and services are tailored to meet your unique business needs, harnessing the power of seamless technology.

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Cloud and Mobile Print

Seamless printing from anywhere at anytime.

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Integrated Scanning

Scan, store and retrieve documents directly from the Cloud.

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Managed Print Services

Optimised, secure and sustainable document workflow.